Source code for consnet.api.evaluation

# -----------------------------------------------------
# ConsNet
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
# Written by Ye Liu (ye-liu at
# -----------------------------------------------------

import nncore
import torch

from .bbox import pair_iou
from .data import (get_hoi_name, get_non_rare_hoi_idx, get_rare_hoi_idx,
                   get_seen_hoi_idx, get_unseen_hoi_idx, hoi_idx_to_obj_idx,
                   load_anno, obj_idx_to_hoi_idx)

def _compute_ap(cls_anno, cls_blob):
    if (num_blob := cls_blob.size(0)) == 0:
        return 0, 0

    anno_map = dict()
    imgs = cls_anno[:, 0].unique().int().tolist()
    for img_id in imgs:
        anno_map[img_id] = [False] * sum(cls_anno[:, 0] == img_id).item()

    tp = torch.zeros(num_blob)
    fp = torch.zeros(num_blob)

    for i in range(num_blob):
        if (img_id := cls_blob[i, 0].int().item()) not in cls_anno[:, 0]:
            fp[i] = 1

        keep = cls_anno[:, 0] == img_id
        anno = cls_anno[keep][:, 2:]

        iou = pair_iou(anno, cls_blob[None, i, 1:9])
        max_iou, idx = iou.max(dim=0)

        if max_iou >= 0.5 and not anno_map[img_id][idx]:
            anno_map[img_id][idx] = True
            tp[i] = 1
            fp[i] = 1

    tp = tp.cumsum(0)
    fp = fp.cumsum(0)
    prc = tp / (tp + fp)
    rec = tp / cls_anno.size(0)

    ap = 0
    for i in range(11):
        p = prc[rec >= 0.1 * i]
        ap += p.max().item() / 11 if p.size(0) > 0 else 0

    rec = rec[-1].item()
    return ap, rec

[docs]@nncore.recursive(key='mode', type='dict') def hico_det_eval(blob, anno, split='test', mode=['def', 'ko'], zero_shot=None, logger=None): """ Perform standard evaluation on HICO-DET dataset using mean average precision (mAP) as introduced in [1]. Args: blob (list[:obj:`Tensor[N, 10]`]): Human-object pairs and their detection scores to be evaluated. The length of the list should be 600 and each item should be an ``N * 10`` tensor in ``(batch_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., score)`` format. anno (:obj:`torch.Tensor` or str): The annotations object or path to the ``anno_bbox.mat`` file. split (str, optional): The dataset split to be evaluated. Expected values are ``'train'`` and ``'test'``. mode (list[str] or str, optional): Mode of evaluation. Expected values are ``'def'``, ``'ko'`` or a list containing these terms, denoting the default mode and known-object mode introduced in [1]. zero_shot (dict or None, optional): Configurations for zero-shot settings. It should contain the following fields: - `type` (str): Expected values include ``'uc'``, ``'ub'`` and \ ``'ua'``, representing unseen action-object combination, \ unseen object and unseen action scenarios introduced in [2]. - `id` (int, optional): Only valid when ``type='uc'``. Expected \ values are in the range of ``0 ~ 4``, indicating the 5 groups \ of unseen action-object combination settings in [2, 3]. logger (:obj:`logging.Logger` or str or None, optional): The potential logger or name of the logger to be used. Returns: dict: Evaluation results including mean average precision (mAP) and \ mean recall (mRec) values of multiple dataset splits under \ different evaluation modes. Example: >>> results = hico_det_eval(blob, '<path-to-anno_bbox.mat>') >>> print(results) ... {'def_mAP': xxx, 'def_mRec': xxx, ... } References: 1. Chao et al. ( 2. Liu et al. ( 3. Bansal et al. ( """ assert mode in ('def', 'ko') nncore.log_or_print(f'Evaluating mAP in *{mode}* mode...', logger) if isinstance(anno, str): anno = load_anno(anno, split=split) rare_idx = get_rare_hoi_idx() non_rare_idx = get_non_rare_hoi_idx() if (zero_shot_mode := zero_shot is not None): seen_idx = get_seen_hoi_idx(**zero_shot) unseen_idx = get_unseen_hoi_idx(**zero_shot) ap, rec = torch.zeros(600), torch.zeros(600) for hoi_idx in range(600): cls_anno = anno[anno[:, 1] == hoi_idx] cls_blob = blob[hoi_idx] inds = cls_blob[:, -1].argsort(descending=True) cls_blob = cls_blob[inds] if mode == 'ko': obj_idx = hoi_idx_to_obj_idx(hoi_idx) keep_hoi_idx = obj_idx_to_hoi_idx(obj_idx) keep_imgs =[ anno[anno[:, 1] == idx][:, 0] for idx in keep_hoi_idx ]).unique() keep = torch.full_like(cls_blob[:, 0], False, dtype=torch.bool) for img_id in keep_imgs: keep += cls_blob[:, 0] == img_id cls_blob = cls_blob[keep] cls_ap, cls_rec = _compute_ap(cls_anno, cls_blob) ap[hoi_idx], rec[hoi_idx] = cls_ap, cls_rec if zero_shot_mode: cls_type = 'SEEN' if hoi_idx in seen_idx else 'UNSEEN' else: cls_type = 'RARE' if hoi_idx in rare_idx else 'NON_RARE' nncore.log_or_print( '{:03d} - {:<30} AP: {:.3f} | REC: {:.3f} | GT: {:<4} | ' 'DET: {:<6} | {}'.format(hoi_idx, get_hoi_name(hoi_idx), cls_ap, cls_rec, cls_anno.size(0), cls_blob.size(0), cls_type), logger) results = { f'{mode}_mAP': ap, f'{mode}_mRec': rec, f'{mode}_mAP_rare': ap[rare_idx], f'{mode}_mRec_rare': rec[rare_idx], f'{mode}_mAP_non_rare': ap[non_rare_idx], f'{mode}_mRec_non_rare': rec[non_rare_idx] } if zero_shot_mode: results.update({ f'{mode}_mAP_seen': ap[seen_idx], f'{mode}_mRec_seen': rec[seen_idx], f'{mode}_mAP_unseen': ap[unseen_idx], f'{mode}_mRec_unseen': rec[unseen_idx] }) results = {k: round(v.mean().item(), 4) for k, v in results.items()} return results